Freelance work

I undertake freelance writing commissions for a variety of clients. These fall into three main areas:

Legal know-how
My professional background is in employment law. As a non-practising barrister, I spent ten years at a Magic Circle law firm in a knowledge management capacity, drafting materials for both professional and lay audiences. I now provide legal know-how content in the form of regular blogs and outreach articles for several medium-sized law firms, a large legal services’ provider, and a UK-based nanny agency. Please note, however, that I am not a legal practitioner and consequently do not provide legal advice.

I write travel guides, blogs and articles for clients across the travel industry. Current and past clients include Condé Nast Traveler, Kayak, Eurolines,, the Travel and Tourism Guild, Triptide, and a German tourist board.

Nature, conservation and animals
This is an area particularly close to my heart. Current and past clients include the Thurmanovich Art Gallery (which is as passionate about nature as it is about art), Plan A Earth (a knowledge platform dedicated to tackling climate change), an APDT-accredited dog trainer and a Tanzanian safari company.


I also occasionally take on work in other areas. These are usually ones that pique my interest, such as a series of articles on “soft skills” for QDooz, and a recent commission for an article looking at the history of spiritual poetry from Rumi through to Rilke and on into the twenty-first century.

If you are interested in working with me, please use the contact form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I’m happy to share examples from my portfolio with serious enquirers.